Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) is an emerging policy issue under SAICM. Learn more about why EDCs should be regulated.
Hej Support
Gender / Women and Chemicals
Women and men are differently susceptible to chemicals. Learn more why it is important to take gender and chemicals into policy consideration.
Circular Economy
Circular economy aims to minimise waste and increase the benefits to society. Learn more about how a safe circular economy can help SAICM.
Chemicals in Products
Chemicals in Products is an issue of concern under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management. Lean more about ways to increase the availability of information on what chemicals are in products that can help to avoid exposure and enable sound...
SAICM Issues of Concern
SAICM is an important international framework for promoting and advancing chemical safety objectives. Learn more about how to make a more capable SAICM that receives proper political priority and adequate resources.