Project Implementation

The Centre for Environment Justice and Development (CEJAD) is a Kenyan NGO promoting rural development and environmental justice in Kenya, through sound chemicals and waste management, and sustainable use of natural resources. CEJAD works nationally, regionally and globally for promoting implementation and further development of the Basel-Rotterdam-Stockholm Conventions, the Minamata Convention, and SAICM. CEJAD is among the more active members of the global networks the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) . It coordinates work in Anglophone East Africa in the SAICM post 2020 project with gW and SSNC. Furthermore, as CEJAD is based in Nairobi, it has had a number of CSO functions in relation to the UN Environment throughout the years.

Centre Africain pour la Santé Environnementale (CASE) is an NGO based in the Ivory Coast. CASE defines itself as a regional think tank for chemicals and waste policies, and works for the elimination of particularly hazardous substances in articles, processes and in agriculture, and sustainable management of natural resources. It works nationally, regionally and globally for promoting implementation and further development of the Basel-Rotterdam-Stockholm Conventions, the Minamata Convention, and SAICM. CASE is one of the more active members of the ZMWG. In the SAICM post 2020 project with gW and SSNC, it coordinates work in Francophone West Africa. CASE also has various advisory functions to national governments in the francophone countries of the African Union.

Eco-justice Ethiopia is a recently established NGO geared towards environmental advocacy. Its vision is to see an environment conscious society that recognizes its right to live in a clean and healthy environment as well as its responsibility to protect it for future generations. The mission of Eco-justice Ethiopia is to help create a coordinated legal system that defends nature, combats climate change and fights for a healthy environment for all. Eco- justice Ethiopia is working to raise the awareness as well as build capacity of government Officials-District, Zone, town, Regional and Federal levels, judges and prosecutors, land administration personnel, natural resources management personnel, and the wider mass, about the impacts of environmental degradation, deforestation, industrial pollution, waste and climate change.
This NGO is currently working on a few projects in Ethiopia, one of which is the Promotion of a multi-stakeholder model and CSO participation, for the implementation of the 11 core elements of the SAICM in Ethiopia.
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