The project, and the materials in the clearing house mechanism, relate at an overarching level to the implementation of SAICM. SAICM is the all-encompassing global agreement for supporting realization of sound management of chemicals and waste. It includes the implementation of all binding chemicals and waste agreements, as well as providing guidance for work with issues that are of international priority but not yet in global agreements.
The mandate of SAICM ended in 2020, and a successor is under development, but delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is likely that a decision will be taken in the first half of 2021 to extend the current mandate until the successor can be finalized.
This project seeks to increase the knowledge among CSOs, national and regional decision makers on how to systematically work for the realization of the 11 SAICM OOG core elements, through a systematic and deep online learning platform procured by experts in the global chemicals and waste objectives of a post-2020 global chemicals and waste framework.
Online Learning
This project will entail a bottom-up approach to deepen the learning of participating CSOs, regional partners, targeted government negotiators and implementing agencies with practical deep online learning of the multi-stakeholder approach, the 11 SAICM OOG core elements and the key priority issues from the SAICM post 2020 intersessional process.
A platform for electronic resources and practical tools for safe chemicals and waste management, comprising online toolkits, guidance documents, webinars, peer reviewed academic articles and also topical materials.